21 Amazing Twitter Tools for Brand Visibility and Time Management
Managing a busy Twitter stream can be overwhelming, that’s why I needed some help from twitter tools to boost online presence and productivity. But over time, I came across more amazing twitter apps that worth a mention as well. Therefore, I compiled another list dedicated to these wonderful time-saver tools that helped, if not daily, then regularly enough in making full use of the tweets shared and received. Hopefully they could be of some help to you too.
Editor Note: I purposely left out Twitter Clients in this post to highlight Twitter web tools instead.
To Create Twitter Custom Page for Your Brand
#1 Twylah
Twylah creates beautiful custom page based on the popular topics you tweeted. The content is automated but you can manage how your Twylah brand page displayed by choosing the most relevant topics for your audience.
Twylah has a huge advantage in SEO by letting your ‘related tweets’ live longer in search engines. With the integration of Buffer, you can increase your twitter engagement and exposures exponentially via Twylah’s very own Power Tweet (built-in twitter box).
#2 Rebelmouse
Rebelmouse is quite similar to Twylah but with more configuring options. It is your social front page by importing links, videos, photos you shared on Twitter (and Facebook, if you allow the integration) and presenting them visually as shown:
After logged in, you can add new story or edit headlines and descriptions. You can drag to rearrange;‘freeze’ selected content so it always stays at one spot even with new content coming in.
You can add collaborators to your rebelmouse page, import additional twitter account, hash tags, to enrich your content. You can also leave out retweets or save tweets to draft.
#3 News.me
If you’ve been using Summify, you may find News.me a replacement for the app as it emails you the daily digest (tops stories) shared by your friends and articles you may have missed from your friends’ twitter streams. Love it!
Note: Twitter is releasing weekly email digest for users but I have yet seen it in my inbox. Let’s hope to get this real soon!
To Manage Your Twitter Stream for Easy Browsing
#4 TwitFlink
TwitFlink makes it easy for you to browse through all the public links shared by a Twitter user. Better, you can even narrow down your search via a specific keyword. A fantastic way to declutter and find out links that interest you from industry leader or anyone you’re following.
#5 Embedly
I’ve just started using Embedly and really impressed with it! This browser add-on shows a preview from the shortened link selected before navigating to the actual site. This is particularly useful for me to decide whether or not I should spend time reading the article or save it to Instapaper to be read later.
News Update: Twitter had just released a similar feature but currently only available for partnered sites. Details here.
#6 CloudMagic
I’m so glad CloudMagic added Twitter to their service besides supporting Google products. After installed the browser extension, I can now search within my twitter stream: friends’ tweets, mentions – something that general twitter search cannot accomplish. How amazing it even shows instant search results as you type! It also shows you results back in few months ago as you scroll for more.
#7 Frrole
Simply put, Frrole is the ‘social newspaper’ that collects real time tweets based on locations. It is still quite new but overall an interesting concept – to find trending topics and events that matter in your area. I do hope more locations can be added in near future to enhance the results.
To Co-Manage Your Company Account
#8 GroupTweet
A fascinating team collaboration tool for Twitter. Setup a company Twitter account and start adding colleagues as contributors. You can set hash tags and tweak so contributor’s personal tweet containing the specific hashtag (or DM) will be seen as coming from the company Twitter account. Quite a number of tweeting options that will make collaboration on Twitter a breeze.
To Manage Your Twitter Contacts
#9 Foller.me
Foller.me is great to get an overview of a Twitter account. Besides the usual following/followers count, I enjoy the breakdown of the topics and hashtags a twitter acquaintance tweeted most, including people he/she interacted with.
#10 Twitlistmanager
With so many Twitter lists to go through, I appreciate Twitlistmanager makes my life easier by helping me to sort the people I followed in designated lists: as easy as check/uncheck the box. The feature I love most is the ‘toggle unlisted friends’ – once in a while I would miss a new contact or two, so it’s an effective way to keep my lists updated all the time.
To Manage and Retrace Twitter Conversations
#11 Click to Tweet
A useful tool if you want Twitter friends to help spread a specific tweet without having to alter the content. It’s perfectly OK to edit or add a personal note when retweeting but occasionally this app may come in handy for some.
#12 Tweets Between
Tweets Between helps to discover the most recent (public) twitter conversation between two users, up to 6-9 days old. I find this quite useful without having to scroll endlessly in my Twitter @Connect page just to find a conversation I had, not knowing the exact time when that happened.
#13 Exquisite Tweets
For conversation involving more than two people, ‘Exquisite Tweets’ is the app to use. By pasting the URL of a particular tweet from the conversation, the tool is able to pull in the complete discussion involving all parties in one page.
To Manage Your Twitter Chat
#14 TweetChat
TweetChat makes it easy to follow a real time chat. You don’t have to log on to your twitter account but if you do, you can contribute to the chat easily with the hashtag automatically attached to your tweets. You get to reply, retweet and favorite a tweet within the interface. Other features including feature (highlight) or block a user (hide him/her from the twitter chat transcript). You can adjust the ‘refresh’ speed and pause the chat however you feel like it.
#15 SearchHash
SearchHash allows you to download twitter chat transcript in .CSV format. SearchHash is not designed for real time search, but it can be quite handy if you missed an important chat in the last couple of days. It can support up to 1,500 tweets in its transcript.
#16 Hashtracking
Comparing to the previous two, Hashtracking offers added analytical feature for a twitter chat: impressions, total reach, number of tweets/retweets, top contributors and influencers. Below is the report generated for free (non-registered):
I was managed to request a beta report from Hashtracking for more in-depth stats for #myblogguest, very impressive:
To Analyze Your Twitter Account
#17 My Top Tweet
My Top Tweet analyzes how your recent tweets performed based on number of retweets received. Just key in your username and the results will be shown to you.
#18 Content Scorer
After integrated your Twitter account, Content Scorer will analyze your tweets based on their individual score. The stats include potential reach (number of followers), extended reach (followers of those who retweeted you), available followers, number of retweets, replies, number of followers increased from this tweet. An interesting way to monitor how you use twitter to connect with your audience.
But it’s important to bear in mind: It’s not always about the Scores, but rather, how you can make use of the data to modify your twitter reach: such as finding the best time to tweet, identifying topics that resonate with your followers the most etc.
#19 Tweetreach
Tweetreach helps you to identify how far a selected keyword/topic travels in Twitterverse. Personally, I use Tweetreach more often on hashtags to find out their popularity and exposures; occasionally on own username too. Either way, I got some pretty interesting results, thanks to tweetreach.
#20 Commun.it
Commun.it is great to ensure your recent engagements be turned into useful leads or connections. It gives you a detailed report of who you are interacting with, who had mentioned you and how influential they are, even though they have not been included in your following/follower list yet. You can easily monitor your Twitter community and re-build meaningful connections with people who are interested in your brand and industry.
Tip: Free account user can import up to 5 Twitter lists (groups) for list management. More info here.
#21 Crowdbooster
Besides follower growth and impressions, I love how Crowdbooster provides ‘recommendations’ for best time to tweet, who you should follow and replies you missed based on your Twitter activities. It also shows you who are your most influential followers and top users who retweeted your tweets.
Overwhelmed yet? If not, make sure you refer to 15 Twitter Tools to Boost Online Presence and Productivity for more undiscovered gems.
Now Is Your Turn
Have you tried any of these twitter tools? More app suggestions to add? Share with us in your comment.
Brilliant post from you Chingya and I am really happy to learn about all these wonderful tools. A few of them I tinkered with in the past but you have given me a reason to take another look. My favorites here are Twylah and Embedly, but I can’t wait to check out Foller.me and TwitlistManager. Tools like this bring a little fun back into Tweeting. Btw – how cool is that my name came up in the Tweets between you and Kim. 🙂
Thank you!!
LOL, thanks for noticing Ileane 🙂 You know me, I love to highlight my social media buddies from time to time. And huge thanks for the kind words, this really means a lot. Nothing is more rewarding to know the article helps, even in the smallest way possible.
Always happy to see you here. Thanks for taking the time to comment too, my friend! Hugs~
I’m so happy to see the many tools that we can actually use to make tweeting more fun and productive. Thanks for taking the time to collate all of them and turn them into a very useful post. Looking forward for more tips from you. Cheers!
Thank you so much, Melonie. I really appreciate the support. So glad you found the articles here useful. Love your site as well – informative!
Ching Ya this list is sooooooo necessary and timely. The tools are right on the money (even though I haven’t heard of many of them) I can already see how useful they’ll be to my marketing. Really well researched post. Thanks so much for the value, I shall return!
Happy Tuesday!
Thanks Mys Palmer, do enjoy trying out some of these tools and hopefully they will help your social media effort as much.
Hello Ching Ya,
What a great article! Tons of Twitter tools I had never heard of. It’s going to be fun trying out everything.
Hi Cendrine, I’m glad you enjoyed the list. I didn’t realize I’ve used so many apps for the past few weeks until I wrote about them! 🙂 May you find something useful from the suggestions.
WOW… I’ve only heard of two of those tools. Thanks for the great list of new things to try out.
Hi Anita, great to see you here again. Hope you had fun trying out some of these Twitter tools.
Thanks for this very useful list Ching. I’ve tried embedly and finding it great. I can see crowdbooster and tweetreach coming in very handy too.
I’m glad you liked the list, Reeta. Thanks so much for the feedback.
Hi Ching, I really am very happy to have found your blog. Thanks for these tools that you’ve shared. I am definitely looking forward for more great tips from you. Cheers!