How to Edit Your Instagram Reel’s Caption After Posted
Unlike TikTok, Instagram is much more user-friendly when it comes to editing your posts after they’re published.
I always thought that editing an Instagram Reel would be as easy as editing the captions for an image or a capsule post, only to realize I was just one step short from reaching that “Edit” button 😉
Whether you’re new to Instagram Reels or there has been an update from Instagram side, let me share with you how you can easily correct your typos or fill in that missing word in that Reel caption of yours.
Step-by-Step guide on Editing Your Instagram Reel’s Caption (Not Shown on Profile)
Before I go further, I need to be clear that for all the Reels that have been added to your Profile, you can always see the “Edit” button after you click on the three-dot menu icon, just like any other regular Instagram posts you can edit after posted.
This method is for the Reels that are not shown on your Instagram Profile. So, in order to edit your Reel’s caption, here’s what you need to do:
1. First, go to the Reel section on your Instagram Profile.
2. Find the Reel you want to edit, and tap to open it.
3. Below the Reel, look for the three-dot menu icon below the Reel and tap on it.
4. A pop-up menu will appear with different options, select “Manage.”
5. Click “Edit” to bring up the caption text box, which is now editable. Make the desired changes to your caption and click ‘Done” located in the top-right corner of the screen.
6. Now, Instagram has updated your Reel with the revised caption. Click the content to check it out.
Take note that here is also where you can change your Reel’s cover by clicking on the thumbnail cover.
If you want to change the thumbnail, just select a new cover from your camera roll.
Once you’ve selected your image, click “Done”.
Remember, editing the caption will not trigger any notifications or alerts to your followers, or viewers.
So, always check carefully before posting your reel to avoid unwanted mistakes or misunderstandings.
I’ve also created a short video to explain the whole process. Click here if the video below fails to load:
What do you think? I hope the video can help explain the steps much clearer.
Instead of relying solely on screenshots, which can be time-consuming to prepare, I’m trying out YouTube Shorts to provide a step-by-step guide.
Let me know in the comments if you think this is a better option or if you prefer screenshots for each step.
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